Contact Riviera at
In all emails please include your Tower (A, B 0r C) and your unit number. You can scan and submit forms by email to the above address or you can put the completed forms in the suggestion boxes located in each Tower.

Bylaws and Rules 

These are the official “rules and regulations” as agreed to by the owners of the Strata. Many costly and embarrassing situations encountered by new residents could have been avoided by reading the Bylaws and Rules. 

The Bylaws are required to be administered by the Strata Council regardless of whether a person has or has not read them. 

Owners who rent out their units are reminded that they should ensure that, as a condition of rental, their tenants read and agree to observe the Bylaws. Owners must submit a completed Form K (available from the Office). 

Owners are responsible for the payment of any fines that may arise if their tenants engage in activities in contravention of the Bylaws. 

One of our most important Bylaws is the right of every owner to enjoy their home. Some of the most common complaints received are smoking on balconies, excess noise (feet, moving furniture, a constantly barking dog). Being mindful of others is essential when we live so close together.

  Download Bylaws HERE
  Download Rules HERE